November 04, 2019

VLOG: 7 UNIQUE Ways to Add Crystal + Gemstone Energy To Your Home To Feel Great

7 UNIQUE Ways to Add Crystal & Gemstone Energy To Your Home To Feel Great

1. Add gemstone (non-toxic) directly into a nebulizer (where you put water and essential oils). Consider making your own gemstone essences and add the liquid essence/tincture in replace of the crystal. You can add toxic stones but only if you make them into an essence via the indirect method!

2. Add gemstone (essence or actual crystal if non-toxic) to your bedroom humidifier - today I added shungite and carnelian!

3. Add gemstone (essence or actual crystal if non-toxic) to your bath water 

4. Add gemstones throughout your home (office, bedroom, bathroom, living room and even kitchen windowsill)

5. Add essences under your tongue or spray over your body and head to permeate your aura (great to do before meditation or after a long day around energy-draining people)

6. Add gemstone (essence or actual crystal if non-toxic) directly to your drinking water (I have been drinking citrine, larimar and clear quartz water for a few months)

7. Add gemstone (essence or actual crystal if non-toxic) to your homemade cleaning products!

Hope you enjoy the video!  Crystal healing and a TON more is all taught in Elevate Your Life - a transformational journey for women wanting more! Details at:

May 24, 2018

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an alternative healing technique that promotes and awakens health & well-being to the individual receiving this healing energy. Reiki (also known as Universal life force energy) dates back to ancient times when it was used to stimulate the body's own innate healing powers by bringing balance and harmony to the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Reiki is the energy that gives life to all living things. In some cultures it is known as Ki or Chi; while in others it is referred to as Prana or even the Holy Spirit. 

The Reiki practitioner doesn't send or direct this energy from themselves, but rather they act like a conduit which allows this healing life force energy to flow through them and their hands. Reiki then goes where it needs to go. It is not the practitioner that heals the client but actually the client receiving the Reiki, who is able to tap into their own innate healing abilities. This allows for one to come into harmony with their truest potential in all facets of life.

What are some of the benefits of Reiki?

  • Reduces stress and promotes ultimate relaxation
  • Enhances the body's own self healing mechanisms
  • Supports immune system function
  • Restores overall energy and vitality
  • Promotes a more restful sleeping pattern
  • Minimizes short and long term imbalances in the body
  • Helps dissolve negative subconscious imprints
  • Brings forth conscious awareness of patterns that longer serve you
What to expect during a Reiki session

    The person receiving the Reiki remains fully clothed during the session while lying comfortably on the bed, covered with a blanket. Bolsters and pillows are available as well. Sessions usually last 1 hour and can be done with a hands on or hands off approach, depending on the comfort level of the recipient. During the treatment, the clinician moves their hands into specific positions on (or off) the body, during which time the recipient may feel warmth, tingling, or an energetic pressure change. Often times the recipient with drift off into a deep meditative state or lucid dream state. Some people on the other hand may fall asleep. You will still receive the benefits of Reiki if you are asleep. Reiki has no contradictory side effects and requires no concentration or effort by the client.

    Blissful music, tranquil nature sounds, aromatherapy and crystals may also be included as part of this restorative service to further enhance the healing experience.

    Many people incorporate Reiki into their monthly self-love and care regime just as they would with massage therapy or acupuncture. This avoids health crises from arising, while creating consistent results and a higher vibrational living.

    What to expect after a Reiki session

    The therapeutic effects of Reiki will continue to take place for several days (and even longer) after the treatment has taken place. This is your body continuing to restore itself back into harmony and balance.

    Bodycherish offers Reiki, Crystal Healing and Chakra Balancing ~ all to inspire higher vibrational living. All life & business coaching clients receive Reiki (in person or via distance) each month as part of their program.

    Crystal Healing offerings (click each to learn more):

    Click here to learn more!



    November 01, 2016

    What is a Crystal Essence and how are they made?

    So what is a crystal essence? It is common knowledge that there are many health benefits to the body & skin from using pure botanicals, essential oils and other carrier oils sourced from the plant kingdom. However, there isn’t as much discussion around the healing and beautifying effects from mineral kingdom (aka crystals and gems) which are sourced directly from Mamma Nature, herself. 

     A lot of health conscious or spiritually minded folks will purchase these beautiful crystals & gems for their aesthetically pleasing quality, but also for their unique metaphysical properties. For example, wearing, holding or even placing a crystal close to your body will cause a subtle effect to your body's own energy field.  

    You can think of the body's energy field like a glass of water. Placing a crystal on or near the body is like dropping another liquid substance into the glass of water.  Depending on the potency of that substance, it will then permeate into the surrounding water, causing a subtle change to occur. There are countless resources that explain in detail the physical, emotional and spiritual healing effects which each crystal holds.

    Dr. Masaru Emoto has extensive research which scientifically proves that water that has not been contaminated or altered (sourced directly from the spring) is the most programmable substance on earth. This means it can be imbued (charged or saturated) with the same metaphysical properties (think: energetic footprint) of the crystal that is placed within it or beside it within a larger glass jar (if made via the indirect method). 

    Dr. Emoto’s studies scientifically prove that spring water can also be programmed with our thoughts, attitudes and emotions. His studies show that loving words and positive thoughts directed at water create a brilliant & complex snowflake pattern when viewed with a powerful microscope. If you are curious to learn more, check out his best-selling book, The Hidden Messages in Water.

    A crystal essence (also known as a gem elixir) is when water has been imbued with the same energy or vibrational frequency that the crystal possesses. Since water is very sensitive to its surrounding environment, it is very important that the water used is sourced from the highest quality spring water that has not been contaminated with chemicals (tap water with fluoride, bromine & chlorine) or that has been stripped of its healthy minerals. It is also important to use water that has only been stored in glass packaging as plastic can distort the water’s natural energetic footprint.

    How are BODYCHERISH’S crystal essences made?

    BodyCherish's Crystal essences are made from glass bottled glacial spring water. The crystals used for each essence are first cleansed (physically and energetically) and then placed inside the water and covered for a 24 hour period. BodyCherish maximizes the healing energies imbued into the water by placing the glass jars (with water & crystal inside) in direct sunlight during the day of a super full moon.

    This enhances the yang energy offered from the Sun's rays. Then the glass jar is left overnight to absorb the powerful yin energy that is offered from the light of the super full moon. This process energizes the essence while balancing it - think of it as a beautiful & complimentary energy infusion.

    During the water imbuement, beautiful angelic music is played to offer even more healing vibrations to space in which the essences are created. Positive affirmations and the healing intentions of each crystal are also written and placed on the exterior of the glass jars.

    Once all steps have been completed, the crystal is carefully removed and remaining water is the pure essence which has the same energetic frequency and metaphysical healing properties as the actual stone! This pure essence is then mixed with 50% grade vodka or brandy to preserve. These jars area sealed tight and are known as the mother batches.  Then a small portion of essence from the mother batch is taken and diluted into a dark amber glass bottle filled with additional glacial spring water and grapefruit seed extract (acts as a natural preservative). This ensures the shelf life of the essence.

    This process works on the principle of homeopathy. Diluting the mother batch essence does not minimize the energetic frequency of the water; it only takes away the majority of the alcohol content.  Remember, water is programable and takes on the energy pattern of what it is mixed with. This new bottle is then surrounded by 7 clear quartz points to further amplify & charge the essence and it's intention. It is these essences that are then added by 2% total volume to the entire line of BodyCherish's Organic Beauty & Facial Ritual products. These high vibrational crystal essences are also added to the  Bath Soak Salts and brand new Crystal Candles!

    October 01, 2016

    What is Crystal Healing?

    Crystal Healing is an alternative healing technique that directly influences the energetic systems of the human body and intern positively impacts the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Wearing, holding or even placing a crystal close to your body will cause a subtle effect to your body's own energy field. To further amplify the truly remarkable healing powers of the crystal kingdom, one can place them in a grid formation. I offer my clients crystal layouts that are placed upon different sacred geometry symbols, including the Seed of Life, Flower of Life and Metatrons cube. This further empowers and amplifies the intention of the healing session. What exactly is sacred geometry? You can think of it as the form beneath all life and points to a divine order in our reality. We can follow that order from the smallest invisible atom and all the way to the infinite stars, finding ourselves at each step along the way.

    How does is work?

    Each crystal has a unique metaphysical properties (energetic blueprint) which promote healing on different levels of your being. This is impart due to how each crystal resonates differently with each chakra centre of the human body and energy field. You may have heard about the chakras but aren't totally clear on what exactly they are and how they work. You can think of the 7 major chakras like energy centres of the of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. These bodies are also known as the subtle bodies and a chakra is an energy point (or node) in the subtle body versus the physical body. You can also picture a chakra as a funnel shaped energy centre (or vortex) that corresponds with many meridian points and nerve bundles in the human body.

    There are different ways a person can open, clear and balance their main 7 chakras. This is important because when a chakra centre is moving optimally, then that area of ones life is also flowing optimally. However, when a chakra is blocked in moving poorly, the area of one's life that it directly impacts will also not be in flow.

    For example, the Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine and the corresponding colour is red. When balanced, it will bring about good health, feeling grounded, safe and secure and prosperous. However, when unbalanced or blocked it will bring about feelings of insecurity, fear, financial difficulties, boredom, lethargy, chronic pain (often in the low back) and depression. Physically, an unbalanced root chakra will bring about dry, pale, blotchy skin.

    Each chakra resonates with different foods, colours, sounds, mantras, activities, yoga poses, affirmations, essential oils and of course crystals!

    Want more evidence?

    From a scientific perspective, Dr. Masaru Emoto has extensive research which proves that water that has not been contaminated or altered (sourced directly from the spring) is the most programmable substance on earth. This means it can be imbued (charged or saturated) with the same metaphysical properties (think: energetic footprint) of the crystal that is placed within it or beside it within a larger glass jar.

    Dr. Emoto’s studies scientifically prove that water can also be programmed with our thoughts, attitudes and emotions. His studies show that loving words and positive thoughts directed at water create a brilliant & complex snowflake pattern when viewed with a powerful microscope. If you are curious to learn more, check out his best-selling book, The Hidden Messages in Water.

    When we realize we can positively effect water with the energy of a crystal, it starts to make more sense that we can positively influence our own bodies as well, given they are 75% water!

    What are some of the benefits of Crystal Healing?

    This healing technique alleviates chakra imbalances by dissolving energy blocks, allowing life force energy to flow smoothly and freely to your being. The benefit of chakras moving optimally will literally influence every possible aspect of your life in a positive way. Remember, EVERYTHING is energy first and foremost and before anything can come into manifestation in this world, it first starts as energy. That includes love, joy, abundance, security and health, but it also includes sadness, shame, depression, conflict, pain, disease and scarcity just to name a few. When you first focus on changing your energy, the ripple effect of positive life changes become inevitable. This I know from first hand experience. Read article here if curious.

    Crystal Healing Offerings:

    Each offering can be added on to a Reiki session to further amplify the intention and focus of the healing session. I highly recommend combining these two services for optimal effect. Please email me directly with intentions of your healing session and I will tailor a custom crystal layout that is specifically suited to your needs and most desired outcome(s). I take the utmost care in the preparation of my crystals being used, including physically and energetically cleansing them prior to each the session, as well as space clearing the room between clients. This ensures a crystal clear, yet calming & high vibrational space.

    To assist my clients take their healing experience and intention home with them after the session, I gift each one with a crystal that corresponds to the healing intention. This along with a gift bag of positive affirmations and aromatherapy ensures you continue to hold the energy of the healing session as the days and weeks unfold.

    If you do not have a specific healing intention that you would like to focus on, please pick from and one of the following offerings. If you are not sure which would be best suited to meet your needs, please email me to further discuss. I love offering assistance and guidance in this area.

    Crystal Healing offerings (click each to learn more)

    Simply email me ( which option you'd like after you book online here.

    Blissful music, tranquil nature sounds, aromatherapy and Reiki may also be included as part of this restorative service to further enhance the healing experience.

    What to expect after a Crystal Healing session?

    Overall, Crystal Healing and Chakra Balancing allows for many benefits, including the following:

    • deep relaxation & improved sleep
    • calming your mind and thoughts & reduced anxiety
    • subtle emotional shifts
    • increased energy
    • deepened spiritual insights
    • elevation of mood & release of negative emotion
    • pain reduction

    These benefits will continue to unfold for several days (and even longer) after the treatment has taken place. This is your body continuing to restore itself back into harmony and balance.

    BODYCHERISH has expanded and now offers holistic empowerment services which will include Reiki, Crystal Healing and Chakra Balancing; all to inspire higher vibrational living. Click here to learn more!