December 25, 2018

{New Video} 5 Powerful Ways To Make More Money & Be Of Greater Service In Your Soul Business

How To Make More Money & Be Of Greater Service In Your Soul Business. It’s time to make 2019 THE YEAR that transforms your life & business in the most deeply fulfilling way 💗🙌🏻

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July 08, 2017

How to harness the manifesting power of a vision board

By now you've probably heard about vision boards and the  term "the power of manisfestion," which is often discussed on social media sites involved with the new age movement. You may be wondering, is this all hype or does a person actually have the power to manifest and create their future experiences or desired outcomes in life.

The answer is... hell YES!

When you are visualizing and actually seeing daily reminders that invoke a feeling that you desire to experience, through the law of attraction, circumstances are brought toward you that gradually bridge the gap between where you are now and where you would like to be in the future.  The key here is to pick images, words & colours (whether digital or paper) that actually trigger a FEELING response within you.

The truth is that we have creative control over our lives. We have the power to live our lives on purpose, rather than letting life "happen to us." When we practice deliberate thought and visualize experiences that offer a positive feeling response, we change our vibrational offering. 

I encourage you to create a vision/mood board through an easy and free collage program found on That is how I made the above example. Or you may wish to create one with magazine clippings for a more tangible option.  I promise you, this is an effective & efficient way to get the ball rolling and bring your dreams into your reality! Happy visualizing!