What is "Saturn Returns" & Why it Makes Entering Your 30's Feel Like You're Going Crazy

Have you heard of Saturn Returns? To sum it up, this will feel like an early life crisis as you turn 29 and head into your 30's. It comes around every 29 years or so and you'll feel it again as you approach 60. The more out of alignment with your highest possible path, the more you will feel it's effects.   

Things just don't feel right. You sense that something is off which leaves you feeling anxious & like something is missing. You try to make it better by racing to the expected next step, by societal norms that is, only to find out once you get there, that you still are not satisfied.

I'm not gonna lie. If you're still reading this, there is a very high probability that you are going through or just went through "Saturn Returns" in your birth natal chart. This happens when you are around the age of 29 and 30 and you will continue to feel effects from it well into your 30's. It can be one rip-roaring hell of time! It's influence (returning to it's position when you were born) can really trigger you to question who you are, where you are going & is it the best path. It can cause a stir of unease (often labeled as anxiety or early life crisis).

This is the point in your life (like many do), that you can ignore that feeling and try to shrug it off. You know, brush it aside and just keep trudging along in the same autopilot cycles.

But for the brave and fierce lightworkers of this world, who are willing to question this off-feeling and dive a little deeper, a shift will start to take place. A deep desire to experience more out of life. A desire to feel peace, joy & happiness each day. To wake up and go to bed at night feeling calm & at ease. To no longer feel lost, raw or confused.

You see, Saturn Returning to our natal charts, as we enter our 30's, can leave us feeling like we just went through a washing machine and are now being left out to dry. Where do we go from here? How do we heal and step forward into a life of deep meaning and purpose life, the kind we have only dreamed of?

I am here to tell you with 100% certainty that there is a way.

I believe I have "cracked the code" so to speak on how to get there. I never believed my life could feel this way. I couldn't have even dreamt of the way it has turned out. The deep sense of fulfillment I feel being connected to my source (my Higher Self's calling) in my life is priceless. Nothing (no-thing) in the outside world can provide this same satisfaction to me. 

I believe you can get here too by following a strategic sequence of steps offered in the EYL program and by literally raising your energy (vibration) to a new set point. That mixed with mega mindset shifts and changes in perspective will get the ball rolling and you will become the architect of your dream lifestyle. You will get connected and aligned to your deepest passions and purpose and once there, that is where you will feel true fulfillment.

Now my question for you is, what would you be willing to do in order to experience, within a short period of time (just 4 months), the desired life you have been craving & yearning for? 

The one, where you walk through life with an unwavering sense of confidence & assurance that you are in alignment with your higher purpose & exactly where you should be. To have that inner voice of guilt replaced with a sense of calm & ease. A trust and knowing that you are on the fast track to an extraordinary life. The bonus? Not just liking yourself but finally LOVING & ACCEPTING YOURSELF, wholly, wildly and completely. 

If these client testimonials sound like something you too would like to experience, I invite you to connect with me further through the new client application form here.





Feel free to check out more details of this life-changing program here!  


Christine Nicole
Christine Nicole
