[NEW VLOG] How to QUANTUM LEAP YOUR LIFE & CAREER SO FREAKIN' FAST [backstory with how I healed my chronic pain]

CHRONIC PAIN & CHOICE POINT DECISIONS (check out 5 minute video below!)👇🏻

How much can life really change in a short period of time? As I reflect on where I was at and where I now am, I STILL have to pinch myself!

Just 3 years ago, on January 17, 2017, I was:

>>Experiencing the PEAK of CHRONIC PAIN in my body. For the majority of my 9 year corporate career, I developed immense right arm pain that got worse & worse overtime until I could barely use a fork to eat at nighttime by the time I got home from work. It radiated from my C6 down to my hand and ached SO BAD at times.😢

>>  Having turmoil with my boss who was intolerant & angry😡 at me for the right arm pain (it’s like the Universe was making the contrast of my work life/body pain so difficult I had no choice but to make a BIG CHANGE)

>>  Just over 1 year into working part-time in my skincare business (www.bodycherish.ca) and energy healing practice - but I was burning out because I had to work 45 hours/week in corporate career - and with all my body pain it was hard to do it all).

>> 3 months single after ending a long term long distance relationship (he was a great person & treated me well BUT I BELIEVED in soulmates & true love & knew he wasn’t “the one”). Nevertheless, I felt lonely 💔 - no longer having him in my life, while dealing with chronic pain & a career I didn’t like.

>> Dealing with an alcohol use relapse. 2 months prior (November 2016) I used again after swearing off it. I was back in the cycle of it.. and it wasn’t until May 21, 2017 that I become FREE from that chapter & stuck my sobriety🙌🏻💕

How did it ALL CHANGE?



I had already been investing $500-$2000 in self-development here & there over the years but this time I went big and invested $10,000.00 - that I didn’t have (used a line of credit to pay for) into a group coaching program in February 2017.

The same way I used a bank loan to pay for my last car, I used a bank loan to pay for my new education to change (IMPROVE MASSIVELY) my life & career.

I learned what I needed to know, grew my skill sets, grew my confidence, dreamed 10x bigger and this resulted in:

1️⃣ I quit my corporate job (last day was March 30, 2017)

2️⃣ I freed myself from chronic pain (it went away in just 2 weeks after 9 f*cking years)

3️⃣ I got sober & SO SO much happier & healthier

4️⃣ Within my 1st year of working full time for myself, I already grossed $100,000.00 in my coaching business & skincare business.

5️⃣ By January 2019, I hit my first $200,000.00💸

6️⃣ I met, fell in love & got engaged to “the One” - my Soulmate who I knew existed❤️

7️⃣ I travelled (mostly solo!) to 5 countries and 19 cities during my entrepreneurial journey because of the FREEDOM I gained

It makes me cringe to think…


>> What if I didn’t take the leap?

>> What if I didn’t invest in myself?

>> What if I shrunk down & stayed small - let fear triumph over my heartfelt dreams for more?


The answer is:

⚠️ I would still be in that energy draining career. I would still have chronic bodily pain.

⚠️ I would still be hoping for true love & wondering why I am not attracting it.

⚠️ I would still be yearning deeply to share my message with the world - doing my purpose.

⚠️ I would have never been able to travel to 5 countries, 19 cities & counting over the last few years.

⚠️ I don’t want to admit it, but I might even still be drinking.


Side note:

I quit that job when I had TWO mortgages🏠🏠 to carry BY MYSELF. My tenants on my rental property just gave me their move out notice. I also had debts. I grew up poor - no rich parents to come help me. Just me responsible for me.

This was the same week 💥I STILL CHOSE TO QUIT THAT JOB💥 Sounds crazy, perhaps?

>>> Not to me!!

What would have been crazy is CHOOSING TO STAY WHERE I WAS (STUCK) & not going for more.

So I said YES to living my life & no longer withering away in defeat & “I can’t because..”


Beautiful, sweet soul- with a heart of gold & desire for more, what are you ready to say yes to?

I would love to hear. Send me a message here & tell me what you are wanting more of!💕
If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired... and ready to DO THE DAMN THING ALREADY, I would love to support you & show you how.
👯‍Private mentorship is opening back up (after being closed since October)👯‍
I’ll be working with up to 2 women privately this next season to ensure I can invest myself 100% into supporting you reach your dreams.
I have been through the journey myself & I know what steps will get you the quickest & most deeply satisfying results THIS YEAR.

Christine Nicole
Christine Nicole
