May 15, 2024



My backstory with astrology....

If there is one thing I've had a consistent love affair with the last 11 years, it is astrology. I have been studying it with such an insatiable appetite and always suspected I would become an astrology but much later in life. 


I thought I would embark on this career path in perhaps my 60's! Ha, turns out life had another plan and I will be finishing up my professional certification in astrology by summer ... when I turn 40!


I have to admit, if there is something that really helped me get through these last few years (where I experienced my 2nd round of a spiritual awakening and dark night of the Soul), it was astrology.


You see, I found myself in a narcissistic relationship where I experienced emotional abuse, infidelity and many other difficult things. This person would reprimand me daily that I was "not good enough for him," causing me to self abandon all of my own needs in effort to gain approval and love. Every day I walked on eggshells, never knowing what would set him off and cause an explosion. This was my first romantic relationship with narcissistic abuse and so I missed the warning signs until I was in over my head & felt trapped.


As things escalated, I realized I was replaying the pattern from childhood, experiencing the same gaslighting, intolerance, shaming and put downs, as if I was child again self-abandoning my own needs for my parents. I tolerated about 1 and a half years of active abuse until I found the courage to leave and rebuild my life.


I naively thought I would get back to my old self and feel better upon leaving but, it was only then that I started my healing journey, which had many, many layers of the onion to get through. To my own surprise, I was diagnosed with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) as a side effect of being in that disorientating experience. It is like I had became a shell of the person I used to be, deeply contracted and genuinely scared to shine my light and use my voice ever again.


At times it felt like this difficult time of my life was never going to end, like I was going to stay stuck in a freeze/fawn state forever, where insomnia, nightmares and intrusive flashbacks were dominating my life.


I am bringing up my personal experience to paint a picture of just how helpful astrology ended up being for me because when you feel like things in a certain area of life are never going to change, it can be heart breaking and leave one feeling hopeless.


BUT! I came to understand and make sense of what had been going on in my life by studying my astrology charts. This included my natal chart (what position all the planets, asteroids and sun was in the moment of incarnation which explains general life themes one will encounter and primary areas of success or difficulties for growth & evolution of the Soul) and also my transits (where every planet, star and asteroid is moving now and what exact angles these placements all make with one another) and even secondary chart progressions.


I also came to see how, even within difficult times, nothing will stay the same forever - it just can't as what is taking place in our chart (which is always in motion and changing creating different angles and placements) will undoubtedly bring about newness to different sector of our lives.


This brought a sense of peace and also immense hopefulness for my future to me.  I realized that my PTSD (and other challenges I was facing) were not going to stay and would undoubtedly become a thing of my past. A chapter to teach me pivotal life lessons that I literally incarnated to learn to aid my evolution into my highest expression while on this earth plane.


Astrology is not a practice to blame other people, enable victimhood of ones circumstances or to make excuses as to why someone can't be, do or have something. I don't advocate "blaming" anything on the sky but using it as tool for education, to make the most of energies at play and to help one empower their lives in the direction they most desire.


In other words, support one move into a state of radical acceptance of events, relationships, childhood upbringing, etc. (due to understanding and connecting the dots so to speak) so that one can move forward with optimism for their future and increased confidence in their choices will benefit to their future.


Also, astrology is not simply your sun, ascendant or moon sign.. it is FAR more in depth than that and an extremely intricate system with every detail based in mathematics.


The more I have learned about my own chart and transits, the more I have understood the series of events in my childhood and adult life. The more I have understood what is at play in my chart, the more empowered I have become to make wise decisions that are in alignment with the energies at play.


Also, the more I understand these profound astrological influences, the more peace I am able to make with events that have already unfolded, seeing how they actually make sense given the themes, energies and dynamics that were at play... aka pivotal soul lessons that were to be learned to assist my upward spiral (ascension) journey.


What I can say for sure, is I have never left an astrology reading without excitement and genuine optimism about my future and for that I am so grateful for coming across this ancient system. I am so eager to be able to be of service like this for others who would also benefit from this information, support and guidance.


That all said, I will be ready to offer this service to those interested by June 7, 2024!




As part of the promotional launch of this new & exciting service, I will be offering 50% off for clients who book within June ($100 versus $200) and 25% off for clients who book within July ($150 vs $200)!


PS. I am over the moon excited and ever so grateful to share that I have fully healed from PTSD and no longer experience any of those unwanted symptoms. I have also come out of the freeze/fawn state and feel back to my true and authentic self! Do I think astrology "healed" my life? Nope! I do not.


The most pronounced thing that did make the most progress with healing my PTSD was psychedelics (specifically experiencing the healing plant medicine of ayahuasca during a week long retreat in Costa Rica). 


After 4 nights of ayahuasca, I came home with complete healing of my PTSD symptoms. Not only did the PTSD resolve, but I also found forgiveness at a deep Soul level to everyone I had ever felt hurt or betrayed by... including parents, partners and forgiveness to myself! I will be sharing more about my experience with ayahuasca in upcoming videos on the new youtube channel and podcast (be sure to subscribe to newsletter below to be in the loop when these are ready)!

(pictured below is a group shot from the retreat)


However, I want to share is that when studying my chart (looking at what was going on in the sky the month of going to Costa Rica for healing) it was blatantly obvious that I had all the placements for overseas travelling, taking a spiritual voyage, healing childhood wounds and kickstarting an brand new chapter in my life.  I learned about these placements AFTER I took my journey! So which comes first? The chicken or the egg? I'll leave that one with you!! ;) 


ps. I quit social media last year and so if you'd like to stay connected, I invite you to join the brand new Upward Spiral Newsletter:) 


June 14, 2023


Replay of the one of the recent live masterclasses, teaching the 5 ESSENTIAL STEPS to Get/Stay Sober and in doing so, Live an Epic Life on YOUR TERMS with ZERO Compromise! View full article →
June 08, 2023


In this riff, I share the most notable & overlooked reasons women fail in changing their relationship with booze.

View full article →
May 09, 2020


If you're like me, your creative juices may have been impacted by the isolation in effect. In today's video I share what I have done to shift my energy and feel inspiration flow into my business again. Hope you enjoy!
April 28, 2020



These pics were taken August 2014 when I just moved out (through choice!) of my brand new spacious 3 bedroom townhouse which I lived in until I was 29.⁣


Anyway, back then I worked in corporate as primary therapist & physiologist and made enough to afford the nice new house. So why did I NOT WANT it?⁣

Why was I willing to “sacrifice” my space and downsize so massively?🤔

You'd think someone entering their 30's would be wanting to upgrade to a bigger & better house🏡, not downsizing to live in a 390 square foot rental from the 1940’s!😵


Well, I had a deep desire to re-sculpt my life in such a powerful way. I wanted to not only be a financially prosperous woman, but also to become an entrepreneur. I desired FREEDOM to work for myself. I also decided I was going to become a millionaire..… so how was I going to get there?⁣


My vision for life was not about looking for a short-term quick fix to feel better (example: upgrade vehicles or house or buy new clothes).⁣⁣


My vision was all about the LONG-TERM and asking myself "what am I willing to do to achieve ALL OF MY DESIRES & have zero regrets?"⁣⁣


For me, I listed to my inner guidance that said step 1 is to become a landlord and rent out your townhouse to start growing your net worth. My inner guidance told me "find the cheapest rental & start making $ on the property you own"⁣ so I did.⁣


So when I sold all my things (because my new rental studio only had space for a kitchen table & bed!!) most of the world thought I was nuts🤪. I had people message me asking me "are you okay, what is happening to you?”⁣⁣

It doesn’t help I sustained a traumatic brain injury in 2013 that led some to suspect I really had a problem with decision making.⁣


Most people (not all) could not imagine taking such a sacrifice and living with so little - but for me, I could not imagine living the rest of my life to a lesser degree than I knew was possible for me.⁣⁣


So I lived there, in that TINY shoebox apartment for 2 years.⁣


In that time, despite lack of space, I felt more spacious, inspired and AWAKE than ever before!⁣

During that time, I built and launched my Bodycherish High Vibration Skincare🌿🌸by November 2015.⁣ Yes, the company started in that space!!!⁣

During that time, I bought a 2nd property... a luxury high-end condo… and then a 3rd property (one I eventually moved into).⁣


During that time, I also got the inspired idea to become an online mentor & program/course creator.. which lead me to quit my corporate career & launch my new business by March 2017!💗🙌🏻


You see, I grew up EXTREMELY POOR & could have easily been another statistic - but I made a decision to write myself a new story, throw a plot twist and become anything I decided to be💃🏻👊🏻


Flash forward to today, I have 3 rental properties, 3 sets of tenants, 2 separate businesses earning multiple 6 figures and most importantly, the FREEDOM I knew I had to have when I made one of the best decisions of my life (deciding to move into that tiny 390 square foot apartment).⁣⁣


Oh yes, people thought I was crazy for sure!⁣


To me, what would be crazy is STILL slaving away at a job I did not love, that was not my higher calling in life.⁣⁣


To me, what would be crazy is NOT choosing to become prosperous & struggling to make ends meet each month.⁣⁣


To me, what would be crazy is spending all my money for SHORT-TERM rewards versus keeping my eyes on the prize for where I am destined to go in life.⁣⁣


Successful entrepreneurs have 1 think in common. They take BOLD AF action that many are not comfortable taking.⁣

Entrepreneurs often go into debt to build their empires (or live very humbly) in the beginning because they 🔥believe in their dream and the long term vision that lies ahead🔥


If you are looking for support getting your entrepreneurial passion &/or coaching business taken to the next level of financial success, working with the right clients and customers in your unique zone of genius but do not have the time to work with a mentor for months at a time, then you are a perfect candidate for the brand new: VIP 40-DAY PREMIUM BUSINESS ACCELERATOR (1:1)!!

If you'd like to apply for the next space opening up, click here.

If you'd like to learn more about the VIP ACCELERATOR, click here.

March 15, 2020

[Video Spotlight] REAL WOMEN, REAL RESULTS!!


7 Women Share Their Stories After Graduating Elevate Your Life!

Check out what these real & relatable women have to say about their Elevate Your Life & Mentorship experience!


Where they are at now with their levels of joy, fulfillment, clarity, confidence, upgraded relationships, healed subconscious blocks, and even NEW & inspired career paths is AMAZING!


This is the 8th and FINAL SEASON of Elevate Your Life (& Align With Your Higher Calling).


I quit my corporate career exactly 3 years ago to bring this program to the world and now feel it is time to close the doors after this final enrolment.


If you would like to learn more, I would love to speak with you! Simply submit this form here and we will get started talking on a complimentary Discovery Session!



More testimonials here 

XO Christine 

March 05, 2020



I remember coming home from work feeling exhausted, depleted and wondering if there was something more to life than what I was experiencing.⁣

Part of me even felt guilty for feeling unfulfilled because I had a great paying job (by societal norms) and it took me a lot of university to get. So why couldn’t I just be grateful for it?⁣

The truth is that even though things looked "successful" I was living without any magic or sparkle in my life. I was counting down the minutes just for the weekends - so I could “take the edge off” after a stressful week. ⁣

Looking back, I also see i used it to suppress my inner guidance system which kept trying to nudge me awake so that I could “course correct” my life.

I managed to keep my inner guidance system pretty quiet for awhile.

I think that is why a lot of us feel that stir of unease (often labeled as anxiety). ⁣

Perhaps it is really just our Soul craving more & causing a bubble up of feelings. to wake us the f*k up!

This is the crossroads in life that we can ignore that feeling and try to shrug it off - drink more wine, scroll through our phones, date the wrong men & continue playing it safe. ⁣

You know, keep colouring within the lines and doing all the things the same things our friends and coworkers do.⁣

⁣I mean, we don’t want to cause any ripples in the water now do we?⁣

But for the brave and fierce lightworkers of this world, who are willing to question this off-feeling and dive a little deeper, a shift from deep inside will start to take place.⁣

A desire to experience more out of life. A desire to feel peace, joy, purpose & freedom each day.⁣

To wake up and go to bed at night feeling ease but also excitement for the day ahead.⁣

To no longer feel lost & out of alignment with your true purpose.⁣

So, where do you go from here? How do you heal and step forward into the kind of life / relationship /career you have only dreamed of?⁣

I am here to tell you with 100% certainty that there is a way. I pulled a 180 so hard in my life it is actually astonishing at times.⁣

⁣I believe I have "cracked the code" on how to get there & I know you can get here too by following a strategic sequence of steps offered in Elevate Your Life -  and by literally raising your energy to a new set point.⁣⁣

That mixed with mega mindset shifts and changes in perspective will get the ball rolling and you will become the architect of your dream lifestyle. ⁣

You will get connected and aligned to your deepest passions and purpose and once there, that is where you will feel true fulfillment.⁣

Now my question for you is, what would you be willing to do in order to experience, within a short period of time the desired life you have been craving & yearning for? ⁣⁣

The one, where you walk through life with an unwavering sense of confidence & assurance that you are in alignment with your higher purpose & exactly where you should be. ⁣

When you know you are right where you should be, anxiety and angst cannot coexist. ⁣

You feel a deep sense of trust & security within your life. Like you are being divinely guided the whole way!⁣

To have that inner voice of angst replaced with a sense of calm & ease. A trust and knowing that you are on the fast track to an extraordinary life.⁣

Feeling inspired & fulfilled is your new normal.⁣

There is so much more to share but I will save that for women interested in taking the next step and learning a bit more:-) ⁣⁣

Submit your application HERE because we are 75% full with space for just a few women in the 2nd inner circle💜
XO Christine 

ps. this is the 8th and final season of EYL enrollment which has been offered for over 3 years with phenomenal client results. Check them out here!

February 17, 2020


Incase you missed the training, here's the replay! This replay will be available to watch for a limited time-- so be sure to select a time to sit back and enjoy😇 

What to expect? Here's the time stamps!

0 - 0.47 min -> 7 Phases to Elevate Your Life & Align With Your Higher Calling

0.48 min -> 1 hour and 15 min - Presentation detailing what the new Elevate Your Life Coaching Circle + Program entails

Hope you enjoy!!


This offer is now being offered with an

This offering has 3 years & 8 seasons of phenomenal real women results AND, for the very first time ever, I am mentoring each week inside an INTIMATE LIVE GROUP COACHING CIRCLE!!
I have been guided to share this with women who are already successful, by societal norms, but who are NOW READY to find alignment with their own passions/higher calling in life and even start building their own business from it!⁣⁣


  • Alignment with your unique passion & higher calling in life
  • Feelings of anxiety lifted and replaced with a new sense of purpose, fulfillment, freedom, joy & ease!⁣⁣
  • A total mindset makeover & paradigm shift!⁣⁣
  • New confidence, clarity & forward momentum on your new visions for life⁣⁣
  • An elevated dominant vibration (a higher point of attraction)⁣⁣
  • Subconscious patterning illuminated and healed (roadblocks dissolved)⁣⁣
  • New boundaries set with what you deserve within relationships & romance⁣⁣
  • Tangible steps taken in turning your idea into your heart-driven business⁣⁣
  • An improved relationship with money so you can receive more⁣⁣
  • Forgiveness/freedom from past hurts & transmutation of your pain⁣⁣ into your purpose


  • 15 live premium coaching calls with me⁣⁣ spanned over 4 transformative months
  • 16 modules with pre-recorded videos⁣⁣
  • Enjoyable, manageable & fun course work⁣⁣
  • Your own private soul-sister masterclass group⁣⁣
  • LIFETIME access to exclusive membership site⁣⁣
  • Invite to LIVE (in-person) event!⁣⁣

You will be placed in a small group of like-minded women for a transformative breakthrough experience with myself & a few other ladies (who will become true soul allies & friends), online each week over 4 months.⁣⁣

  1. Expanding Your Vision & Envisioning Bigger
  2. Conquering Procrastination & Follow Through⁣⁣
  3. Creating Vibrant Energy & Well-Being⁣⁣
  4. Implementing Self Love & Care Rituals⁣⁣
  5. Learning the Chakra Energy Systems ⁣⁣
  6. Setting Boundaries & Attracting Ideal Relationships
  7. Environmental Detox & Declutter
  8. Lifestyle Design & Manifestation⁣⁣
  9. Deepening Your Intuition Superpower⁣⁣
  10. Subconscious Block Healing & Forgiveness⁣⁣
  11. Following Your Joy Pursuits⁣⁣ (Zone of Genius)
  12. Confidence & Clarity Building⁣⁣
  13. Finding Alignment with Passions & Higher Purpose⁣⁣
  14. Clarifying Who You Are Meant To Serve
  15. Money Mastery & Ancestral Imprints⁣⁣
  16. Business Vision & Mission Development⁣⁣
  17. Brand Development for Launch!

**Through this program and mentorship, you will learn first hand how to develop your own transformational program for women (in the event you want to become qualified to work as an online coach in your own unique zone of genius- like many past graduates have!)**


Self-care bonus tutorials teaching: Qi gong, EFT (emotional freedom technique), chakra balancing & pineal gland activation, yoga & kundalini kriyas, angel healing & cord cutting, I ams, mirror work, gratitude, crystal healing & essential oils... just to name a few!⁣⁣
⁣ ⁣⁣

  • Rolling into the next season of your life, feeling lit up from the inside out, truly on fire & excited!⁣⁣
  • Becoming a true visionary & boss of your own life (this is full sovereignty!)⁣⁣
  • Feelings of anxiety lifted and replaced with a new sense of purpose, fulfillment, freedom, joy & ease!⁣⁣

Investment price will be revealed on discovery calls with me - to those truly interested in taking their life to the NEXT LEVEL!⁣⁣
Up to 8 women will be accepted into the new INTIMATE LIVE GROUP COACHING MASTERMIND CIRCLE this year. This ensures no more than 4 women per small group coaching circle.⁣⁣
Masterclass Circle #1: NOW FULL
Masterclass Circle #2: March 27th⁣⁣ (closes)

After that, Elevate Your Life, will be closed (as I transition into Advanced Leadership Mentoring for Full-Time Entrepreneurs & Coaches).⁣⁣

Masterclass Circle 1: NOW FULL
Masterclass Circle 2: April to August (approx)
This offering is by application only - via a pre-call survey & 50 minute discovery call with me to see if this opportunity is the right fit for you.⁣⁣

If this is sending excitement, fear & goosebumps through your body, that is your wise guide inside saying it is time to go for it!⁣

If that is you, your next step is submitting <<this form here>>

On our discovery call, we will go over everything you want to create / where you are at / where you want to go AND I will explain more about this opportunity. If it’s a fit for both of us, we’ll move forward from there!⁣✨🌸

Sending you heaps of love & always rooting you on,

XO Christine

ps: as Marianne Williamson eloquently puts it:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.

July 19, 2019

13 Essential Steps To Become a Masterful Online Coach or Mentor & Get Incredible Client Results

In this week's FB Live inside High Vibin' Soulpreneurs, we dive deep on the most essential steps to be the BEST COACH possible to your online clients so that they can get the best results working with you!

1. Dial up your A game 30 mins prior - that means do not schedule back to back calls so that you can recharge and reset between calls (use washroom, read last week's notes, eat a snack and hydrate). Unfortunately 55 min/call coaches, who schedule back to back clients at the top of the hour, often show up late to their clients & are clearly drained.

2. Listen a LOT and practice Motivational Interviewing (have them discover the answer from within instead of shoving it down their throat).

3. Have a plan in place that will move them forward toward their goal - don’t just talk about it but figure out the next best action steps each week - break it down into manageable pieces for them.

4. Do your Self Care, consistently, and make decisions that support your happiness & joy (because this frequency is higher (process of entrainment via LOA effects your client's own vibration). Be sure to exercise frequently, eat healthy and make sleep a priority.

5. Come with tons of water (triple what you think you'll need for call).

6. Be impeccable with your word and super organized - you can’t be hot mess - that is a disservice to your client investing in you and trusting you with their transformation.

7. Take notes CONSTANTLY- make sure you know what is going on and never ever show up unprepared.

8. Email your client the agreed upon "stretches" each week after your call to keep them accountable to their goals and moving forward.

9. Follow up with them on their stretches goals & don't be scared to remind them of why they hired you (many coaches don't even think about this and then their clients end up with no results).

10. Empower them to rise but don’t twist their arms - accountability and follow through is learned THROUGH working with a coach - if you don’t allow them to step up to the plate you disempower them.

11. Lead by example - practice what you preach!!!

12. Set boundaries - they will respect you 10x more and value your time 10x more if you do (that means set hours for your work and terms written into your client contracts regarding no-show or cancellations).

13. Be a relatable human - never try to present you have it all figured out. Be kind, compassionate & honest. If you can, throw in some humour, too!

If you're curious to learn more about my past client graduate testimonials, click here!
If you've been considering mentorship in your life and/or business journey, I would love to learn more about you and explore if we are a match for when space opens back up. Simply book a complimentary connection call here to learn more (these take place with a member of my team).
XO Christine 
March 23, 2019

{New Video} How To Transform Your Life & Uncover Your Purpose (Elevate Your Life Interview)

I had the pleasure of recently being interviewed by Alexi Panos, where we dive deep on why I created Elevate Your Life & who it is meant to serve. Hope you enjoy!