January 15, 2020

[NEW VLOG] How to Quantum Leap Your Life & Become Your Own Boss FASTER

In this week's live video inside the private group, High Vibin' Soulpreneurs (you are welcome to join!), we explore 6 ways to Become Your Own Boss FASTER & Elevate Your Life along the way! I hope you enjoy💞


As mentioned in this video, the steps revolve around the: Principle of entrainment ⚡✨ 
1:25 - What is entrainment? (be sure to watch this!)
3:08 - Step 1: Spend less time around influences that do not represent the lifestyle, positive energy & mindset you wish to have (people, environments, radio, etc.)
4:09 - Step 2: Read more books (replace a portion of netflix / TV time with learning & growing)
6:27 - Step 3: Limit your time on social media & use intentionally rather than mindlessly. Also detox/declutter who you follow - ask yourself, do they trigger you, cause jealousy or make you feel less than?
9:36 - Step 4: Declutter your home, your life AND YOUR SCHEDULE (make up, closets, fridge) to make energetic space for higher vibrations and inspired creativity
12:33 - Why less decisions & less chaos allows for more decision making abilities within your business * I share my history with downsizing to a 390 sq foot bachelor apartment from 2014-2016! (when I got all my business ideas)🙀
13:30 - Step 5: Schedule it in!
14:40 - Being impeccable with our word (trust with ourselves)
15:28 - Step 6: Work closely with someone doing what you want to do - this is one of the fastest ways to elevate your life - through entrainment 
17:27 - What the Elevate Your Life (program and mentorship is all about!)


If this intrigues you, I would love to hear from you 🔥
Simply submit an application here and tell me a bit more about yourself!
past client reviews/testimonials found here!
November 04, 2019

VLOG: 7 UNIQUE Ways to Add Crystal + Gemstone Energy To Your Home To Feel Great

7 UNIQUE Ways to Add Crystal & Gemstone Energy To Your Home To Feel Great

1. Add gemstone (non-toxic) directly into a nebulizer (where you put water and essential oils). Consider making your own gemstone essences and add the liquid essence/tincture in replace of the crystal. You can add toxic stones but only if you make them into an essence via the indirect method!

2. Add gemstone (essence or actual crystal if non-toxic) to your bedroom humidifier - today I added shungite and carnelian!

3. Add gemstone (essence or actual crystal if non-toxic) to your bath water 

4. Add gemstones throughout your home (office, bedroom, bathroom, living room and even kitchen windowsill)

5. Add essences under your tongue or spray over your body and head to permeate your aura (great to do before meditation or after a long day around energy-draining people)

6. Add gemstone (essence or actual crystal if non-toxic) directly to your drinking water (I have been drinking citrine, larimar and clear quartz water for a few months)

7. Add gemstone (essence or actual crystal if non-toxic) to your homemade cleaning products!

Hope you enjoy the video!  Crystal healing and a TON more is all taught in Elevate Your Life - a transformational journey for women wanting more! Details at: www.christinenicole.ca

July 19, 2019

13 Essential Steps To Become a Masterful Online Coach or Mentor & Get Incredible Client Results

In this week's FB Live inside High Vibin' Soulpreneurs, we dive deep on the most essential steps to be the BEST COACH possible to your online clients so that they can get the best results working with you!

1. Dial up your A game 30 mins prior - that means do not schedule back to back calls so that you can recharge and reset between calls (use washroom, read last week's notes, eat a snack and hydrate). Unfortunately 55 min/call coaches, who schedule back to back clients at the top of the hour, often show up late to their clients & are clearly drained.

2. Listen a LOT and practice Motivational Interviewing (have them discover the answer from within instead of shoving it down their throat).

3. Have a plan in place that will move them forward toward their goal - don’t just talk about it but figure out the next best action steps each week - break it down into manageable pieces for them.

4. Do your Self Care, consistently, and make decisions that support your happiness & joy (because this frequency is higher (process of entrainment via LOA effects your client's own vibration). Be sure to exercise frequently, eat healthy and make sleep a priority.

5. Come with tons of water (triple what you think you'll need for call).

6. Be impeccable with your word and super organized - you can’t be hot mess - that is a disservice to your client investing in you and trusting you with their transformation.

7. Take notes CONSTANTLY- make sure you know what is going on and never ever show up unprepared.

8. Email your client the agreed upon "stretches" each week after your call to keep them accountable to their goals and moving forward.

9. Follow up with them on their stretches goals & don't be scared to remind them of why they hired you (many coaches don't even think about this and then their clients end up with no results).

10. Empower them to rise but don’t twist their arms - accountability and follow through is learned THROUGH working with a coach - if you don’t allow them to step up to the plate you disempower them.

11. Lead by example - practice what you preach!!!

12. Set boundaries - they will respect you 10x more and value your time 10x more if you do (that means set hours for your work and terms written into your client contracts regarding no-show or cancellations).

13. Be a relatable human - never try to present you have it all figured out. Be kind, compassionate & honest. If you can, throw in some humour, too!

If you're curious to learn more about my past client graduate testimonials, click here!
If you've been considering mentorship in your life and/or business journey, I would love to learn more about you and explore if we are a match for when space opens back up. Simply book a complimentary connection call here to learn more (these take place with a member of my team).
XO Christine 
April 29, 2019

Saturn Goes Retrograde... Why This is Mega-Good!

Saturn goes retrograde now until mid-September!

If this post caught your eye, it is probably because you've heard about Mercury Retrograde, which has a bad rap in mainstream media these days. Well, this post is to assure you that when Saturn goes retrograde there is nothing to fear! It is also important to clarify that this is not the same as when "Saturn Returns." That is a whole different ball game which you can learn about here.

The reason this planetary retrograde is favourable for us is that it triggers us to dive a little deeper and explore what it is that our soul truly yearns for us to do, be and experience in this lifetime. When this retrograde cycle comes around it lasts about 4 months at which time we are given an opportunity for self-discovery and contemplation.

This delicious period literally speeds up the rate at which we can discover and unlock our purpose in this life or incarnation. This is the period to rediscover who you truly are, go deeper & remember and apply why you are here.

If you've been feeling a little lost lately or out of sorts, then this is your time to go within so that by August you come out feeling sparkly and bright, connected and aligned to what you are truly meant to do. Introspection, journaling, alone time (especially in nature) is excellent during this time. If it is difficult to find alone time or get outside, trying bringing nature's elements to you. You can do this by working with healing crystals (placing in your pockets, holding during meditation or reading or wearing as jewelry). Essential oils (sourced from the plant kingdom) are also great to accompany you. Diffusing or nebulizing them in your home is a sure fire way to bring Mama Nature's healing energy into your home.

So I hope you feel excited to hear of this planetary cycle and look forward with eagerness to where you'll be and how you'll feel come August! This is also an incredibly powerful and effective time to enrol in a self development course or study group. I have created a Signature 16 Week Program called Elevate Your Life (and become an energetic match to your deepest desires & wildest dreams).

This program is for you, if you've done what what society expected of you, and despite that, you are:

  • Zapped of Energy and Lacking Magic & Inspiration in Your Life
  • Feeling Unfulfilled & Disconnected From Your True Passions & Purpose
  • Wondering "Is This As Good As It Gets?" As You Go Through Life on Auto-Pilot

EYL Signature Coaching System unlike anything else on the market. It is a truly unique & multi-faceted approach to reaching high levels of success & fulfillment. This offering takes you through a step-by-step sequence, with key milestones, which will unleash & activate your highest potential. Although an effective system is in place, there is also flexibility & flow to ensure service is custom-tailored to your unique needs. This signature sequence ensures you move through & experience positive transformation so that you leave feeling wildly obsessed with life (& elevated to your new energy set point or vibrational frequency). Once this happens, your life will just keep getting better and better. The sky is the limit with no goal too big or out of reach.

Enrollment hits max capacity every single season & now includes a LIVE in-person mastermind event I host for the Super-Tribe of women I work with!

If this excites you, feel free to explore the price tiers here.

You can also email me at bodycherish@gmail.com and ask me more questions if you like. This year's enrollment has 2 tiers including a group mentorship and private VIP mentorship, pending your needs:)

March 23, 2019

{New Video} How To Transform Your Life & Uncover Your Purpose (Elevate Your Life Interview)

I had the pleasure of recently being interviewed by Alexi Panos, where we dive deep on why I created Elevate Your Life & who it is meant to serve. Hope you enjoy! 

December 25, 2018

{New Video} 5 Powerful Ways To Make More Money & Be Of Greater Service In Your Soul Business

How To Make More Money & Be Of Greater Service In Your Soul Business. It’s time to make 2019 THE YEAR that transforms your life & business in the most deeply fulfilling way 💗🙌🏻

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December 19, 2018

{New Video} How To Plan & Manifest Your Most Fulfilling Year Ahead🌟💃

Can you believe it? It is almost 2019! I recorded this video last night to share with you what process I took myself through to plan & manifest what I really want to experience this next year...

I hope you enjoy!

New client applications found below:) 


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October 08, 2018

September 08, 2018

August 08, 2018